===== Host에서 LFS 디렉토리로 chroot ===== 6장 완료후 책의 끝까지 유용하게 사용하는 스크립트 **사용법:** \\ auto-lfs s : chroot 실행, 필요한 시스템 디렉토리 마운트 \\ auto-lfs c : chroot 종료후 불필요한 시스템 디렉토리 마운트 해제 \\ LFS, LFS_PART와 /boot, /boot/efi, /home, /sources 등은 상황에 맞게 조정이 필요합니다. #!/bin/bash # LFS 12.1-systemd에 맞춤 # <7.2 소유자 변경> 이후에 사용 # 커널 가상 파일 마운트/언마운트 지원용 스크립트 # Begin ~/bin/lfs-env-config VERSION=0.1.7 LFS=/mnt/lfs LFS_PART=/dev/nvme0n1p8 LFS_BOOT=/dev/nvme0n1p6 LFS_EFI=/dev/nvme0n1p2 LFS_HOME=/dev/nvme0n1p7 # 필요한 별도의 파티션 마운트 if ! mountpoint -q $LFS; then mount $LFS_PART $LFS; fi if ! mountpoint -q $LFS/boot; then mount $LFS_BOOT $LFS/boot; fi if ! mountpoint -q $LFS/boot/efi; then mount $LFS_EFI $LFS/boot/efi; fi if ! mountpoint -q $LFS/home; then mount $LFS_HOME $LFS/home; fi if ! mountpoint -q $LFS/sources; then mount /mnt/nfs/sources $LFS/sources; fi # /dev 존재 확인 후 필요한 조치 진행 if [ ! -d $LFS/dev ]; then echo "Make necessary directories" mkdir -pv $LFS/{dev,proc,sys,run} else echo "All required directories have been verified." fi # 입력에 따라 chroot 실행 또는 exit 후 사용한 커널 가상 파일 시스템 언마운트 case $1 in clean|c|-c) if mountpoint -q $LFS/dev/shm; then # Unmount Kernel Virtual File System used in previous LFS sessions. echo "LFS is now set to '"$LFS"'" echo "Now proceed with the unmount of for chroot" for kvfs in dev/shm dev/pts sys proc run dev ; do if mountpoint $LFS/$kvfs; then umount -q $LFS/$kvfs; fi done findmnt -D -R $LFS echo "Ok unmount unnecessary devices" echo "Good bye" exit 0 else echo "Cleanup of Kernel Virtual File System is Complete." findmnt -D -R $LFS exit 0 fi ;; start|s|-s) # Mount the Kernel Virtual File System to Enter LFS chroot environment. echo "Now proceed with the mount of for chroot" echo "LFS is now set to '"$LFS"'" if ! mountpoint -q $LFS/dev; then mount --bind /dev $LFS/dev; fi if ! mountpoint -q $LFS/dev/pts; then mount -t devpts devpts -o gid=5,mode=0620 $LFS/dev/pts; fi if ! mountpoint -q $LFS/proc; then mount -t proc proc $LFS/proc; fi if ! mountpoint -q $LFS/sys; then mount -t sysfs sysfs $LFS/sys; fi if ! mountpoint -q $LFS/run; then mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $LFS/run; fi if ! mountpoint -q $LFS/dev/shm; then mount -t tmpfs -o nosuid,nodev tmpfs $LFS/dev/shm; fi if ! mountpoint -q $LFS/sources; then mount --rbind /mnt/nfs/sources $LFS/sources; fi findmnt -D -R $LFS # Run 'chroot' chroot "$LFS" $(type -p env) -i \ HOME=/root \ TERM="$TERM" \ PS1=' \u@\h [ \w ] \$ '\ PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin \ MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)" \ TESTSUITEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)" \ NINJAJOBS="$(nproc)" \ /bin/bash --login exit 0 ;; version|v|-v) echo "LFS chroot script $VERSION" exit 0 ;; help|h|-h) echo "LFS chroot script $VERSION" echo "Usage:" echo "clean or c- Unmount Kernel Virtual File System" echo "start or s- Mount and run 'chroot' command with necessary variables" echo "version or v- Print script version" echo "help or h - This screen" exit 0 ;; *) #Guidance on the factors needed to execute script echo "sh ./lfs-env-config [ start | clean | help | version ]" exit 0 ;; esac ## End ~/bin/lfs-env-config \\ \\ ===== 파일 다운로드 링크 처리 ===== 다음과 같이 등록하고 사용해야 ''cd'' 가 작동을 합니다. alias ='source ' 다운로드 링크 입력: 다운로드 -> 압축 해제 -> 디렉토리 이동 추가한 사항 - 입력받은 URL이 Git인 경우 처리 추가 - 확장자가 .zip인 경우 처리 추가 - 이미 다운로드 완료한 파일의 경우 처리 추가 - 작업 디렉토리의 소유권 확인 추가 - 출력 색상 변수 설정 추가할 사항 - alias 등록 확인 - wget, git, gawk 설치 여부 확인 수정할 사항 - git clone 사용 할 때 작업 디렉터리에 먼저 받고 source 디렉터리에 복사하는 방식으로 변경 필요. user@host:[ ~ ] $ pre-stage https://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/proto/xcb-proto-1.17.0.tar.xz xcb-proto-1.17.0.tar 100% [====================================================>] 148.19K 302.76KB/s [Files: 1 Bytes: 148.19K [153.40KB/s] Redirects: 0 Todo: 0 Errors: 0 ] user@host:[ /workbench/xcb-proto-1.17.0 ] $ _ #!/bin/bash Green='\033[0;32m' BIGreen='\033[1;32m' Red='\033[0;31m' Yellow='\033[0;33m' Color_Off='\033[0m' if [ "$(type -t p4c)" != 'alias' ] ; then echo -e "p4c is not ${Yellow}alias registered${Color_Off}, so the functionality is not available." source ${HOME}/.bash_aliases return 2>&/dev/null fi if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo -e "${Green}An appropriate factor (file name or download link) is required.${Color_Off}"; return; fi InputStringType=$(echo "$1" | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" } ; { print $1 }') BuildBase="$LFS"/workbench SourceBase="$LFS"/sources TargetFile=$(basename "$1") GitDirCheck=$(basename -s .git "$1") GitCheck=${TargetFile: -3} ZipCheck=${TargetFile: -3} TargetDir=$(echo "$TargetFile" | sed -e 's/\.tar.*$//' -e 's/\.tgz*$//' -e 's/\.src*$//' -e 's/\.zip*$//' -e 's@^.*/@@') NotFoundMsg1="The directory derived from the filename is ${BIGreen}$TargetDir${Color_Off}.\n\ However, it does not exist, so it will move to the ${Yellow}most recent directory created${Color_Off}.\n\ Please check if it is correct." if [ $(stat -c %u $BuildBase) -ne $(id -u) ] ; then echo -e "Check ${Red}$BuildBase${Color_Off} Ownership"; return; fi function chg_dir() { if [ -d "$1" ]; then cd "$1" else cd $(ls -tcA -w1 | head -n1) echo -e "$NotFoundMsg1" fi } # Change directory "$BuildBase" if [ "$PWD" != "$BuildBase" ]; then chg_dir "$BuildBase" fi ## Handling Git if [ "$GitCheck" == "git" ] ; then if [ -d "$GitdirCheck" ] ; then chg_dir "$GitDirCheck" return else pushd $SourceBase if [ -d $GitDirCheck ] ; then rm -rf $GitDirCheck fi git clone "$1" cp -R $GitDirCheck $BuildBase popd # echo "Git #1" chg_dir "$GitDirCheck" return fi fi case "$InputStringType" in https|http|ftp) wget --no-verbose -nc --directory-prefix="$SourceBase" "$1" ;; *) ;; esac # Prepare Package Build if [ "$ZipCheck" == "zip" ] ; then mkdir -p "$TargetDir" chg_dir "$TargetDir" unzip -q "$SourceBase"/"$TargetFile" return else if [ ! -d "$TargetDir" ]; then tar -xf "$SourceBase"/"$TargetFile" 2>/dev/null fi chg_dir "$TargetDir" fi unset InputStringType BuildBase SourceBase TargetFile GitDirCheck GitCheck ZipCheck TargetDir NotFoundMsg1